Calculate your Monthly Cost
Monthly fee:
Let's gather some basic information about the number of users and the features that will help you the most.
Number of users?
Full time providers
Select the number of therapists who will be providing 25 or more visits (aka patient encounters) per month.
The number of Full time providers + Part time providers will equal your total number of user accounts.
Remember that each user accessing the system will need their own user account. You can always change this at a later time.
Part time/non-providers
Select the number of back office staff plus the number of therapists who provide less than 25 visits (aka patient encounters) per month.
The number of Full time providers + Part time providers will equal your total number of user accounts.
Remember that each user accessing the system will need their own user account. You can always change this at a later time.
Number of locations?
You may need an additional location if you have multiple offices for which you want to keep scheduling and billing separate or if you bill with more than one Tax ID.
Typically this is set to only one. You can always add locations later.
Submit claims electronically?
Number of Billing Providers?